Marketing Biz Professionals is located in Mystic, CT
Copyright 2008-2023 by Marketing Biz Professionals. All rights reserved.
There comes a time in our lives when we need to make a change, and we have made the decision to basically close this company. Why?
The owner/founder of Marketing Biz Professionals has decided to retire and become an author. However, she has decided to keep this website accessible to you because of the many informative articles that many of you have referred to over the years.
So, after almost a decade with this business helping so many business managers and entrepreneurs, we hope our work has made the difference in your lives and work.
We have also had to make the decision to do no more television shows for From This Corner TV. We will leave that website up too, so you can access the many programs we were fortunate to bring to you. The UTube channel will hold all of our shows. Simply go to the website (click below), and find shows that would interest, educate and entertain you.
So, for your convenience, we will be keeping our Business Articles, Marketing Articles and Blog on this website.
Thank you for being such loyal clients, we have enjoyed working with you.
Click to go to our TV Show.
Click on the logo on the left to go to
Marilyn Wright Dayton's website to view her
books, which are available on Amazon.
Click on the logo on the right to go to
Marilyn's Blog, with stories about
Elvis, Dick Clark and much more.